Passing options to Reveal modal in Foundation via HTML

18th March, 2016 - Posted by david

In my current job, we use Foundation for stuff like modal popups, fancy drop downs etc. I haven’t used it too much but I know for the modal dialogs you can either instantiate them via Javascript ($(‘#elem’).foundation(‘reveal’, ‘open’, {option: ‘value’});) or via HTML attributes (<a href=”#” data-reveal-id=”elem”>Open</a> and <div id=”elem” data-reveal>). Passing options to Foundation […]


Regular expression (regex) to remove double encoding of html entities

30th March, 2011 - Posted by david

When you have users copying and pasting in data to forms on your website, which then gets stored in your database, you invariably end up with all sorts of ways of encoding and storing special characters. Ideally, these will end up in your database as the correct characters (such as € for the euro symbol), […]