In my current job, we use Foundation for stuff like modal popups, fancy drop downs etc. I haven’t used it too much but I know for the modal dialogs you can either instantiate them via Javascript ($(‘#elem’).foundation(‘reveal’, ‘open’, {option: ‘value’});) or via HTML attributes (<a href=”#” data-reveal-id=”elem”>Open</a> and <div id=”elem” data-reveal>). Passing options to Foundation […]
Bug Solution
Passing options to Reveal modal in Foundation via HTML
18th March, 2016 - Posted by david
Include comments in search in The Bug Genie
4th April, 2013 - Posted by david
Back in July, I was given the task of finding a decent, preferably PHP-based, bug-tracking system and opted for The Bug Genie, as it had pretty much everything we wanted: email notifications, tickets grouped by project, various levels of user access and more. One thing we noticed however, was that when you searched all issues […]
Safari and long lines in Google Maps Javascript API Directions Service
11th October, 2012 - Posted by david
I’ve been working on building the mobile version of lately and one of the features we want is to offer directions from a user’s current location to any of our car dealerships, assuming we have their latitude and longitude co-ordinates. Getting the directions and displaying them on a map are ridiculously simple, thanks to […]
php, error_log and newlines: a solution
15th May, 2012 - Posted by david
When it comes to coding and debugging, I generally keep things simple, opting for a basic text editor (Sublime Text 2 with Vim key-bindings being my current choice) and simple debug output statements when trying to track down a bug. With my current job, I deal with an API over AJAX so it’s not easy […]
window.onload firing too early in IE
12th May, 2012 - Posted by david
The Problem Where I work, our tool supports 6 different languages, where translations are contained in various sets of language files. One of these sets consists of the translations stored in Javascript files as JSON blocks
MySQL reached max integer limit
23rd August, 2011 - Posted by david
Whenever anything generates a MySQL error at work, the whole technical team gets an email about it, with full debug info. We recently got one for an area that I look after, so it was up to me to investigate. The title of the error was a slightly cryptic Error: Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key […]
Google Maps Zoom Control missing in Internet Explorer (IE): a solution
23rd February, 2011 - Posted by david
When I was working on rebuilding’s mapping system for the modern web, it involved writing alot of Javascript (JS) code and loading this via a couple of JS source files, one external one from Google (i.e. the core Google Maps JS) and another from our own web-servers. It all worked fine in most browsers, […]
HTML Div’s layered onto Google Streetview: Chrome issue
16th December, 2010 - Posted by david
While working on Daft‘s Map Search facility, we naturally decided to integrate Google’s Street View (SV) as a feature, especially since we were one of the launch partners for the product in Ireland. We decided to do this as follows: For each property icon on the map, when you click on it, bring up a […]
Web programming with Python and my experience
2nd November, 2010 - Posted by david
Quick Introduction I’ve written the front page and an ajax handler for a web application using Python and Here I give my thoughts on using a niche product ( and some of the coding issues I had to figure out on my own, in case some one has similar problems.
Inconsistent JSON arrays using PHP’s json_encode
14th September, 2010 - Posted by david
I’d be amazed if anyone ever has come across this problem before, but it’s one that stumped me recently and I feel would make a good first ‘real’ post for this new blog. Firstly, a bit of background: in work, we have an API that uses the XML-based SOAP protocol over HTTP. You can request […]