Opening hours done right, in PHP and MySQL

7th February, 2015 - Posted by david

I often see different ways of storing and displaying opening hours for various businesses when browsing the web. Some seem to simply store them as an unstructured blob of plaintext and spit that back to the user. Others will store the exact times for each day and display all 7 days on 7 separate rows. […]


Include comments in search in The Bug Genie

4th April, 2013 - Posted by david

Back in July, I was given the task of finding a decent, preferably PHP-based, bug-tracking system and opted for The Bug Genie, as it had pretty much everything we wanted: email notifications, tickets grouped by project, various levels of user access and more. One thing we noticed however, was that when you searched all issues […]


MySQL reached max integer limit

23rd August, 2011 - Posted by david

Whenever anything generates a MySQL error at work, the whole technical team gets an email about it, with full debug info. We recently got one for an area that I look after, so it was up to me to investigate. The title of the error was a slightly cryptic Error: Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key […]


Inconsistent JSON arrays using PHP’s json_encode

14th September, 2010 - Posted by david

I’d be amazed if anyone ever has come across this problem before, but it’s one that stumped me recently and I feel would make a good first ‘real’ post for this new blog. Firstly, a bit of background: in work, we have an API that uses the XML-based SOAP protocol over HTTP. You can request […]